lunes, 27 de abril de 2020

ENGLISH 4th level - SEXTA SEMANA - Plazo 3 mayo



1. Look at the pictures.

1. She is a doctor.                                                    2. He is a firefighter.

3. She is a shop assistant.                                           4. She is an artist.

                                                 6. He is a vet.

2. Now, listen and repeat.   (Click sobre el enlace a continuación)

 3. Look at the pictures (activity 1) and answer these questions.
          a) Who is number 1?

               She is a police woman. 

          b) Who is number 2?

                He is a _________________________________________________

          c) Who is number 3?

          d) Who is number 4?

           e) Who is number 5?

          f) Who is number 6?


1. Read the words in the box.

2. Now, listen, look and repeat. Tuesday look (Click)

1.       He has got long, black and curly hair.
2.       She has got long, red and curly hair.
3.       He has got short, brown and straight hair.
  4.   She has got longfair and straight hair.
3. Look at the pictures and answer.

What does he look like?      He has got___________ , ____________ and __________ hair.

What does she look like?     She has got __________, ____________ , and ________  _______.

What does he look like?    He ____  _____  __________ , ___________ , and _______  _____.

What does she look like?  ____ ____ ____ ____________ , __________ , and _________ ______.


1. Lee y copia esta entrevista, con el título: A THEATRE STAR!
Recuerda: WIG = peluca


Ve a la actividad del WEDNESDAY 29TH y responde a las preguntas. 
No tienes que copiar de nuevo todo lo que dice el personaje. Sólo responde directamente a las preguntas.

   1.       What is his job?   ____________________________________

   2.       What does he look like? (normally). 


    3.       What  is he wearing?  


    4.      Is he good-looking?


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